Big Picture Creative Co. in the Loveland Limelight!

Loveland + South Lifestyle magazine “Annual Ladies Issue, Featuring Upstanding Women in our Community Who are Making a Positive Impact.”

Alisha Lee Jeffers

5/9/20243 min read

I’ve spent many years as a commission portrait artist and a communications liaison, elevating others and their unique stories. Now I’ve had the opportunity to step into the spotlight myself! Loveland + South Lifestyle magazine has featured me as one of the "Women of Merit" in their May issue.

I met the magazine’s publisher, Desiree Gustafson, a few months ago when she asked to include a snapshot from one of my workshops in the “City Scene” section of the magazine. We hit it off right away, and I gave her insight on the local arts scene from my perspective as an Artworks Loveland Studio Artist

She was intrigued, and echoes of our conversation appeared in an article she wrote for the April issue called "Healing Community Through Creation." It featured images from the March Artist Invitational exhibit we had on display in the Artworks Loveland gallery. She promised to send her new Editorial Coordinator, Sarah Erickson, back to interview me specifically about Big Picture Creative Co. for their May issue.

When the time came, I asked Sarah to send me her questions ahead of time so I could prepare. She sent two pages worth of in-depth inquiry, (though she said she wouldn't be using it all). I took as a timely opportunity to reflect on my business so far since launching officially last December.

After deep-diving on the questions, I used the whiteboard in my studio that’s laid out in the “Big Picture Compass" format to summarize my responses in a way that would naturally flow in the interview. It helps me to have visual prompts, and it was the perfect opportunity to demonstrate how Big Picture works.

We had a wonderful conversation, though it occurred to me later that I should have asked what the word count would be. I gave Sarah way more info than she needed - it turns out that she was only working with 225 words! We had talked about what an art it is to carve out the most essential information for an article with limited space. She rose to the challenge beautifully.

I’ve never been featured in a magazine before, so it was a real treat to be honored in this way. We had a photo shoot at the new Grimm Brothers Brewery location at the Forge Campus in Loveland. Dana Martin, herself a business owner of Dana Martin Creative was a top-notch photographer and gave great tips for being photogenic (“Turtle that neck out! Soft hands!”). Dana helped me look my best and I’m so grateful.

If you’re not able to get your hands on a hardcopy of the issue, you can read the article online here.

Publisher Desiree is an excellent writer herself and an ambitious businesswoman. In the introduction to the issue, she says:

“As you read about some of the local women who are creating their own stories, I encourage you to find inspiration and motivation to author some main character plot twists into your story and choose to surround yourself with women you want to be like.

Find your peace and speak unapologetically from your truth… be the shift in the room you want to see, because everything you want is on the other side of fear.”

With Big Picture Creative Co, I’m committed to helping you define and refine your own story. Contact me if you’d like to learn more about how we can co-create a life you love!